We hope the new look site will be both informative and entertaining throughout the year and, of course, during the Congress. The entry form will appear at the end of the month and we hope our familiar friends and new players will be sending in their entries as soon as possible. Best wishes for the next few months and keep in touch with developments in Hastings until the Congress opens on 28th December
THE 87th HASTINGS INTERNATIONAL CHESS CONGRESS will take place at Horntye Park Sports Complex from 28th December 2011 to 5th January 2012.
Hastings Borough Council has generously agreed to continue its sponsorship of the event despite facing significant cuts. However, funding to the Congress will be cut by 10% in line with all major events sponsored by the Borough Council. Additional most valuable support will once again come from the White Rock Hotel and Lansdowne Hotels, KC Computers, the Pig in Paradise and Orion Energy. In addition, Horntye Park has generously reduced its hire charges for the superb venue.
The Congress will include tournaments for all levels of player, from international grandmasters to local enthusiasts. A selection of Masters games will be broadcast live throughout the event and there will be a commentary covering top games each afternoon. Visitors are welcome and admission is free to spectators. Further information will be appearing regularly and the entry form is now available (see right).
Although the Congress will take place again this year, the organisers face a hard task working with a reduced budget and increased charges. Efforts are being made to secure additional funding from the local business community as the Congress brings valuable income to Hastings each year. The hospitality sector already provides a valuable contribution and further help is offered. Meanwhile the search continues for a major commercial sponsorship.
For further information including sponsorship opportunities contact:
Pam Thomas, PR Officer
Tel: 01424 445348